
Thursday, May 16, 2013

FREE Plain Sky Image

free plain sky background
A Plain sky image i took for my CG Backgrounds, feel free to download file and use however and in whatever you like.

right click here and save link as.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


The background for the scene was done
 by my neighbour Colin, who has been 
helping me bring this project to life.. 
this image is mapped to half a cylinder 
that sits around the 3d scene with an alpha channel for the sky.


A test render on the bridge texture and bump map, the bridge stone is my first real planned from the ground up texture and bump map. still a few adjustments to be made, the art was all done in Inkscape a free vector graphics editor.

if you need to build a stone wall this file is a good start stonewall.svg right click and save link as.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Message in a Bottle

Message in a Bottle
A small rock test project finds it way to the blog.
First i did the rocks and sand as a test for scattering rocks for the playground.When i had that sorted i thought a message in a bottle would look good, then it beacame a mini project...there is heap more i could do, but it's all about time...

Friday, February 8, 2013

Playground update

Just some update images of the playground so far ....about halfway with building the set. The video is the test for the water on the waterfall's basic and it works for the cartoon look. i will have another go and try to give it some more life...before the final render.

Working on rocks this weekend.....i love rocks.

Monday, February 4, 2013

The playground

Next we needed a scene, i want about 15-20 seconds of character animation......after two days of ideas of what the boy could do ..we had a mud map on paper. then we made a scale sample scene. to make things easy any animation with the boy and dog will be shot in a different parts of the one scene inside the scene we have a wishing well, wooden bridge, stone bridge, forest, log to jump and a waterfall.

The scene is 100m x 150m then i added an extra part for the waterfall we will use this to scene to fly around the track and see where we need back grounds and scene detail.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Another blender render

Another blender render ...this one is from a tutorial from Blender Andrew Price i missed a few bits...but learnt a lot